Top 10 *CRAZY* Upcoming WhatsApp Features Will Blow Your Mind 😯

Top 10 CRAZY Upcoming WhatsApp Features Will Blow Your Mind 😯

 WhatsApp is a very important part of our life,i don't think any app would be able To replace WhatsApp. And there's a reason it has become so popular

Meta which is the parent company is rolling out new features

And the frequency is just increasing. In today's article I'll be tell you about the

Upcoming WhatsApp features which are coming with the next update

And these features are not just for one thing. They are for groups, security visual appearance and so on

A lot of effort goes into making of these article so make sure to like the article 

A lot of effort goes into making of these article so make sure to like the article 

I don't think any other competition has it. The testing has already been started in beta

It will possibly roll out in the next update. Start thinking from now what polls you'll be posting

In communities the limit will be in thousands,the community feature was announced

7-8 months earlier but because of various things it got delayed

The main concern is spam which happens a lot in groups so to keep in control of this

The spam features will also be added

If you want new features first hand,install the WhatsApp beta where you get latest feature updates

Now you'll be able to react to the messages

A lot of other platforms like Facebook already have this but WhatsApp will be implementing this soon

I'm most excited about this logout feature. If you use WhatsApp on multiple devices

You can use it just on one Device. You'll have to logout from one device to activate in other

As privacy is important,we might feel the need to hide our last seen from some people

Currently if you hide the last seen it will hide it from everyone

But now you can choose from contacts from the people you want to hide it

Delete messages feature has been improved a lot earlier you had to delete with 30 secs

And they now increased it upto 70 mins,but now there will be no time limit

Currently if you search a message it will show in all of the chats, but now you can search for individual

Person or group,just click on the profile and it'll show you the results

A lot of times we ignore notifications as we don't know who sent them

Now you can see the profile photo from the notification pane

We normally don't pay attention to the archived messages

Now a new read later feature is coming where you'll actually read messages because of the changed name

Now they'll be limiting the number of times a certain message can be sent

Now you can only send messages to 5 people at a time

And they're planning to limit it even more because a lot of people love to spam

Now you can only forward messages to only person only.

share this article on WhatsApp to make it frequently forwarded message

That's all for this article until the next one Keep Trakin and Stay Safe.

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